Choosing the Best Car Cover for Your Car


Purchasing a car is a major financial commitment and protecting that investment with a car cover is a great idea. The decision to use a protective cover is an easy one; selecting the right one can be a bit more difficult.

If cost is a primary factor in choosing a car cover, a universal fit cover is a good choice. This product adjusts to fit a variety of vehicles for a reasonable price. Although there is only a small variety of selections (fabric, indoor/outdoor, warranty) in that category, it’ll do the job. Generally, the better quality covers will offer better protection.

Other factors that should be considered when selecting a car cover include the weather season and the climate of the location where the vehicle is stored. Areas with high moisture and/or rainy climate require protection that is waterproof or water resistance. Warm, high humidity climates can contribute to moisture buildup between the car and the cover resulting in possible damage to the car’s exterior. It’s important to select a cover that doesn’t encourage this. Cars in this type of climate or areas closer to coastal regions should consider marine-grade auto covers.

Cars stored in areas of the country with high UV exposure or high temperatures should select light-weight covers that offer UV protection. Vehicles exposed to heat and sunlight not only fade in color but become extremely hot inside. A light-weight cover can be used on a daily basis to help alleviate some of these heat-related issues. Whether or not a vehicle is stored inside or outside, it should be thorough cleaned as surface dirt can scratch the paint.

Regardless of the climate, vehicles stored indoors will fair better than those exposed to the elements. If the car is in the garage stored with another vehicle or other items, a car cover can protect it from bumps and scratches associated with opening car doors and contact from daily moving around the garage. Even if the car is driven daily, a light-weight cover can easily be used.Whatever product is chosen, all styles vary in need, climate focus, quality of fabric, cost, and warranty period. The choices are many, but the outcome is a protected vehicle.