Finding and Preventing the Causes of Engine Misfires


Having your vehicle misfire on occasion usually isn’t something to be concerned with but if it happens regularly, you should seek out help from a mechanic. There are many causes for an engine to misfire, including:

  • Problems with the exhaust system
  • Faulty spark plugs or wires
  • Dirty fuel injectors
  • Bad fuel pump
  • Vacuum leak

The best way to get the problem corrected is to visit an auto repair shop to have diagnostic tests run on your vehicle.

Diagnosing Misfires

Most engine problems, such as misfiring, are diagnosed by hooking the vehicle up to some type of machine to check its readings. One of these devices is a vacuum gauge that checks the engine for vacuum leaks. Since systems connected to the engine are sealed in the factory, the gauge can help pinpoint any leaks coming from loose hoses, holes in the exhaust, or vacuum leaks.

For instance, a hole in the muffler’s seams caused by corrosion can be found when mechanics offering Middlesex garage services pinpoint the leak via the vacuum gauge. However, other problems, such as dirty fuel injectors, are usually found using other diagnostic equipment. When hooked up to the engine, there are codes that can reveal problems with other systems underneath the hood.

Preventative Measures

Some of the more common reasons for engine misfires are preventable. For instance, adding an injection cleaner to the fuel tank every month to two can help prevent buildup and help your vehicle run more efficiently. Regular maintenance can help find problems before they affect how your car runs.