Must do a checklist before you buy a new car


For most people, the act of buying a car is something that is very exciting. It is also something that is very expensive, and which brings with it the scope for regret and mistakes. One of the biggest danger areas is when people decide to purchase second-hand cars. There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a used vehicle – in fact it is probably a far more financially sensible choice than buying a new car, but there are certain steps that need to be gone through in order to ensure that you are not buying a lemon. What are these steps exactly and how can you make sure that you end up with the car of your dreams? Here are a few tips to help you steer clear of disaster.

Get an expert to look at it

In the same way that you can’t judge a book by its cover, so you cannot tell much about a car just by looking at it. Not only that, if you are not a mechanic or if you have no expertise in dealing with automobiles then how could you even be expected to tell if everything is in good working order. Before you commit to making the purchase rather do the smart thing and find an expert in vehicle inspection Wollongong will have several to choose from – in fact wherever you are based you should be able to find a reputable expert. Get them to have a proper look at the car and ask them to give you a comprehensive report.

Do the test drive

It should probably go without saying but you must take the car for a test drive. If possible, look to go for the drive without a salesperson from the dealership in tow. Salespeople tend to be a little pushy and they will say all sorts of things in order to close the deal. You are better off without them. That way you can relax and experience the car as you will once it is yours – alone and in silence. Remember, if there are things about the car that you don’t like, it is quite probable that they will get more irritating over time and not less. So, find a car that ticks all the boxes for you and then commit to buying it.

Include the family

Don’t buy a car if your family is not on board with it. And by family we mean your spouse and children; the people who will travel regularly with you in the car. Yes, it is your car and your money, but if you can get everyone buying into the excitement of the purchase and the thrill of the drive it will be an all-round more positive experience.

Analyse the costs

Don’t forget that once you have purchased an auto there are still plenty of costs that you will have to carry. What seems like your dream car when it is on the shop floor may very well turn into a nightmare once you have purchased it. For a start, the faster it goes the more you will have to pay in terms of the insurance. A bigger engine also equates to higher fuel costs. These might seem like inconsequential details, but they can impact heavily on your monthly cash flow so make sure that you know what these implications are going to be.