What are the essential documents to check on buying a used car?

buying a used car

When you are planning to buy used cars in chicago, you have so many options in the market. Along with check the current condition of the vehicle, you must be sure about the documents. Unfortunately, so many peoples are there who can cheat you with selling an illegal vehicle. It is better to check all the legal documents before buying the car. Ask the seller to inform in RTO about the car registration before fourteen days of buying. Here is a list of essential documents what you should check before:

Check the registration certificate: Registration certificate is a necessary document of the car which is provided by the RTO. It gives all the initial information about the vehicle. You can match the chassis number and engine number with the help of this paper. If both the number matches together, then ask the dealer about this. Sometimes it happened with the old car that engine number changes because of the vehicle met with an accident and engine damages. When new engine sets in the car, its number changes. So, ensure bout the new number registered in RC or not.

What are the essential documents to check on buying a used car

Get the information about car insurance: It’s essential to check the insurance paper of the car. You can check whether the car met with an accident. And how many times it has been claimed. The value of the car also depends on this factor. Check whether the premium is regularly paid or not and even the month when the policy is going to expire. After buying the vehicle, it is important to transfer the insurance policy in your name as soon as possible.

Ask for service book: Before buying a used car, asks your seller for a service book. You can find the exact condition with the help of a service book because it will show you the complete history of the vehicle. You can also if the car has been serviced on time or not.

Ask for road tax receipt: When you are asking the seller to show all documents, ask him to confirm receipt of the road tax also. This is a one-time tax when you are purchasing a new car, but sometimes peoples avoid submitting. It results in a hefty penalty around lakhs or more. Hence it is better to satisfy yourself with checking road tax receipts.

Car invoice: Never forget to check the original invoice of the car when the seller purchased it. Also, ask them to give you the invoice when you are buying a second-hand car.

Dual fuel certificate if required: If the current owner of the car modified his vehicle to run on two different fuels. Ask the seller to provide its certificate as well as NOC from RTO.