Why And When You Need A Car Mechanic


The latest trend among the cost-conscious consumers is to keep their existing cars running rather than exchange them for new models. This means that many drivers postpone the much-required repairs or maintenance of their vehicles as a money-saving measure. However, it is imperative to know when a car mechanic is required for servicing of your car because delaying maintenance can compromise a car’s safety. Car-care experts believe that the best way to save money is not by just keeping on the vehicle but choosing a right car mechanic who will do the necessary maintenance and repair work.

Smooth ride

Everyone who owns a car is aware that regular vehicle maintenance is essential to keep it running smoothly for a long time. There are certain bits of maintenance, which you can handle by yourself depending on the level of your skill but for others such handlings, you will require professional car mechanic. What you can easily do on your own is:

  • Washing Your Car
  • Changing Oil
  • Changing Windshield Wipers
  • Adjusting Tire Pressure

A little more challenging job requires a fully stocked tool box with pliers, sockets, open-end wrenches, and screwdrivers. You can do the following things with it

  • Changing Spark Plug
  • Changing Brakes

Signs of trouble

On the other hand, there are certain advanced issues, which would usually require professional tools and skill. You need to be aware of the signs in your vehicle to know when to call in the professional car mechanic. The typical signs are:

  • Surge: When there is a sudden change in the engine’s speed.
  • Dieseling: When an engine continues to run briefly and burn fuel even after the car has been switched off.
  • Hesitation: When there is loss of power briefly upon acceleration.
  • Backfire: When a gunshot-like sound comes from the engine or tailpipe.
  • Bottoming: When there is excessive noise, or harshness felt through the steering wheel or passenger compartment while riding over the bumps.
  • Shimmy: When there is a swaying motion felt through the tires and steering wheel.
  • Bucking: When the vehicle lurches and engine hesitate at time of changing gears.
  • Misfire: When a hesitation occurs because the fuel in one or more of an engine’s cylinders fails to ignite properly.
  • Knocking: When rapid rattling is heard upon increasing the acceleration.

Call the professional

You are on a joy ride or may be in a hurry to attend an emergency and you notice that something is not right with your car. It could be a vibrating steering wheel, a strange noise every time you stop or slow down or a weird smell coming from inside of your car. It is an indication and the right time to call for a car mechanic without any delay. He is the one who

  • Deals with a variety of automobile makes
  • Works in a specific area
  • Deals in a specific make of automobile
  • Diagnoses the problem accurately and quickly
  • Can disassemble the car partially or fully for inspection
  • Repair a specific part
  • Replace one or more parts as assemblies

Maintain your vehicle

The car mechanic not only repairs your vehicle, but basic vehicle maintenance is a fundamental part of his job. Preventative maintenance scheduled for the replacement of various parts to avoid expensive damage is often misunderstood by the vehicle owners as an unnecessary expense but is an absolute necessity to avoid huge expenditure.

In the present age of technological development, the mechanism of cars is becoming increasingly complicated. Thus, the service of a professional is imperative. Whether your vehicle just needs a tune-up or major car repair, chances are you will need to call a trusted car mechanic to look at your vehicle.