5 Easy Ways to Be More Earth Friendly


Having some concern about the future and the overall welfare of the planet, should be a positive priority for us all, be it family or friends and neighbours. Let’s take a look at 5 simple ways that we can all help out and even save some cash in the process!

  1. Unplug Gadgets

By turning off gadgets you are not using will give them a longer life and if you’re one of those people who often leaves your phone chargers hanging from the wall and forgets to put your computer on sleep mode, you should change your habits. According to sources, using such practices will save you up to $100 every year on energy bills! Cool!

  1. Use Public Transit or Carpool

The advantages of carpooling are easy to comprehend as a single car uses less fuel than two and certainly a lot less than three! The same for riding a bus or train to work helps in cutting down on the number of vehicles on the road and you’ll simply be saving money and getting where you need to be faster. If you have to use a vehicle, to cool the car’s interior down and cut back on air con usage.

  1. Online or Offline?

There has been serious debates on the environmental impact of reading the news online or reading printed paper since the beginning of the digital media revolution. Newspapers are somewhat heavy and use up room, whereas online info web expends energy. It has become apparent, though that the Internet offers a much wider range of alternative news sources, and with different opinions to those in the papers and on TV. If you still prefer a printed paper, try to do your best and recycle the paper every day.

Tinted Windows

The easy fitting to your home of tinted windows can transform your windows into great energy efficient glazing, which rejects unwanted solar heat, keeps temperatures at a minimum and places less stress on air conditioning. This also applies during the winter months, when tinting keeps the warmth inside your home, and lowers energy costs by up to 30%. The benefits to both the environment and your pocket are clearly evident, just ask someone who has window tinting installed.

  1. Conserving Water

Try turning off the water when:

  • Washing the dishes (place cleaned objects in a bowl and then rinse)
  • Taking a shower (soap up)
  • Shaving
  • Brushing teeth

If possible, only do a full load in your washing machine. Don’t water the garden if it’s going to rain during the season, and try collecting rain water or utilise grey water to do the job instead.

Keeping the Earth First

The above should to assist in removing some of the stress we put out there on the planet every day and help out with what’s in your pocket also!